Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Goblin In A Barrel

This little guy looks like he doesn't know where he is, nor how he got there. Vector Illustration with Adobe Illustrator.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Lucid Red Herring

After a long disappearance, the PsychoDetective is back with a vengeance, an even louder mouth, and a name change to justify everything. Lucid Red herring makes his new debut on Gaia Online as my role play character, lobbying his ideas of justice into the chaos that is the Gaia Mainstream. I may build a desire to color this later.


Ink: Faber Castel Pens

Monday, January 21, 2013

Recently I've had the opportunity to work on a project called The Messenger. This is the third installation of their comic book series and should they continue to do more, I hope to continue to be a part of their team. The pencils were done by Jorge Santiago. Inks by yours truly.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Sequential Fallout 5

Pencils and Inks done by me. Color done by Travon Serrano, a member of Comic Book Club.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Messenger 3 Cover

I am aspiring to assume the title of Inker for the next The Messenger comic. This is the ink work for the next cover page. Pencils are done by Baron Robert Bell.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Somali Pirate

This is a concept of a screwball character I aim to model. I am focusing on a bad guy character with a lot of attitude and energy. The style I want to use is something one would see in a cartoon movie, maybe Pixar or Dreamworks.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

No Undead Allowed!

I've been dabbing at this for about two quarters of school now. I finally dedicated myself to sitting down and inking this out. This is the cover page for the Art Institute of Atlanta's anthology, Sequential Fallout. I had a lot f fun doing this and this cover actually sent me into a bit of a zombie craze (who isn't) as my sketchbook began to fill with zombie drawings. In the future I'll post some of the sketch work. I had the pleasure of toying with a brush to ink in this piece. I plan to do more brush inking in the future.
Micron pens, Brush & India Ink